Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Purchase Order Import Error : Error: Can not derive item_id for the specified buyer item_number or vendor_product_num PO_PDOI_DERV_PART_NUM_ERROR

The above error at the first look gives the impression of the customer item number setup issue. But if you face this error check the below things:

  • Is the item assigned to the receving org specified in the PO
  • Is the item assigned to the IVO of the receiving org.
Take the necessary corrective action and re-import.

Purchase Order Import Error : Unit of Measure (value = EA) is invalid or inactive for item XXXXXX

During the import of Purchase order lines from the table po_lines_interface , we are often faced with the error message:

  • Unit of Measure (value = EA) is invalid or inactive for item XXXXXX
this error is reported for the below reason:
  • The table po_lines_interface has 2 columns : UOM_CODE and Unit Of Measure 
Either of these columns need to be populated
  • If we are populating the column : UOM_CODE then we need to give the code of unit of measure eg : EA in this column
  • If we are populating the column Unit Of Measure  then we need to populate the description of UOM code column in this field. If there is any discrepancy in this the above error will be reported