Monday, 17 November 2014

Item Validation During Order Import

During Order Import many of us face Errors related to Item Validation on the Sales Order Line. This leads to  checks on the item master Setup. Listing down below some of the basic checks that should be done once any Item Related validation error is reported

  1. Is the item assigned to the Warehouse specified on order line / the Warehouse defaulting via the defaulting rules
  2. Is the Item assigned to the Item Validation Org , Item Master Org 
  3. In case the Shipping OU and Selling OU are different the item should be assigned to the IVO of both the Operating Units
  4. Order Enabled Flag , Customer Order Enabled Flag . this flag needs to setup for all the warehouses mentioned in Step 1,2,3
  5. Item status needs to be checked for all the warehouses for steps 1,2,3
If the issue still persists check for all other item attributes which might be Impacting . For internal Sales Orders the Internal Order Enabled Flag needs to be set