Many times when Trying to create a Sales Order we enter an item on the Order Line but the Pricing of the line does not happen , and in some cases when selecting the item on the Order line for a specific Price List we get and error that " Item XXXX and UOM EA not available on the price list"
In such scenarios we have to check the Setup of the concerned price list to determine the root cause of the issue :
1. Go to the Price List Setup and see if the Item is actually Available on the price list or not by entering the Price List name and the Item details
If the item is not available on the Price list then maintain the item on the price list and re-try Order Line Creation
2. If the Item is available on the Price List , then scroll right on the Item Setup line and check the Start Date and End Date on the price list line. Ensure that the line is not end dated and the start Date if available is less than the Order Pricing Date
In such scenarios we have to check the Setup of the concerned price list to determine the root cause of the issue :
1. Go to the Price List Setup and see if the Item is actually Available on the price list or not by entering the Price List name and the Item details
If the item is not available on the Price list then maintain the item on the price list and re-try Order Line Creation
2. If the Item is available on the Price List , then scroll right on the Item Setup line and check the Start Date and End Date on the price list line. Ensure that the line is not end dated and the start Date if available is less than the Order Pricing Date
If there is an issue with the pricing dates , correct it and re-try booking the order
3. If the price list Line setup is correct then check for the Qualifier Setup on the Price List by clicking on the Qualifier Tab
The Qualifiers are used to specify the conditions which Govern if this price list should be Selected or not for the Order Lines pricing
An important thing to know here is the Grouping number
Records of the Grouping number will be ANDed with each other and records of different Grouping Number will follow an OR condition
An important thing to note here is about Grouping Number : -1 , a grouping number of -1 will always be included in the condition formation and will be ANDed with the conditions of other Grouping numbers
Many a times the Price List Qualifiers fail and give an issue in Order Line Pricing
Tables storing Price list information :
QP_LIST_HEADERS --> Price List Header information
QP_LIST_LINES --> Price details
Below SQL can be used to check item availability on a price-list
from apps.qp_list_headers qlh,
apps.qp_list_lines qll,
apps.qp_pricing_attributes qpa,
apps.mtl_system_items_b msib
and qlh.list_header_id = qpa.list_header_id
and qpa.product_attr_value = msib.inventory_item_id
and msib.organization_id = :WAREHOUSE_ID
and msib.segment1 = 'ITEM_NUMBER'
and qpa.list_line_id = qll.list_line_id;