Friday, 16 September 2016

API top Update Price list

Many times for bulk processing there will be a need to update price lists for Eg , when we want to end date lines in bulk. In such a scenario we can use the API.

gpr_price_list_line_tbl (l_num_count).list_line_id :=
         gpr_price_list_line_tbl (l_num_count).operation :=
         gpr_price_list_line_tbl (l_num_count).start_date_active :=
         gpr_price_list_line_tbl (l_num_count).end_date_active :=
         -- call to API
         QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Process_Price_List (
            p_api_version_number        => 1,
            p_init_msg_list             => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_return_values             => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_commit                    => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            x_return_status             => gpr_return_status,
            x_msg_count                 => gpr_msg_count,
            x_msg_data                  => gpr_msg_data,
            p_PRICE_LIST_LINE_tbl       => gpr_price_list_line_tbl,
            x_PRICE_LIST_rec            => ppr_price_list_rec,
            x_PRICE_LIST_val_rec        => ppr_price_list_val_rec,
            x_PRICE_LIST_LINE_tbl       => ppr_price_list_line_tbl,
            x_PRICE_LIST_LINE_val_tbl   => ppr_price_list_line_val_tbl,
            x_QUALIFIERS_tbl            => ppr_qualifiers_tbl,
            x_QUALIFIERS_val_tbl        => ppr_qualifiers_val_tbl,
            x_PRICING_ATTR_tbl          => ppr_pricing_attr_tbl,
            x_PRICING_ATTR_val_tbl      => ppr_pricing_attr_val_tbl);

Some of these are record type variables and some table type variables

      gpr_price_list_line_tbl       QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Price_List_Line_Tbl_Type;
      gpr_price_list_line_val_tbl   QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Price_List_Line_Val_Tbl_Type;
      ppr_price_list_rec            QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Price_List_Rec_Type;
      ppr_price_list_val_rec        QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Price_List_Val_Rec_Type;
      ppr_price_list_line_tbl       QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Price_List_Line_Tbl_Type;
      ppr_price_list_line_val_tbl   QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Price_List_Line_Val_Tbl_Type;
      ppr_qualifiers_tbl            QP_Qualifier_Rules_Pub.Qualifiers_Tbl_Type;
      ppr_qualifiers_val_tbl        QP_Qualifier_Rules_Pub.Qualifiers_Val_Tbl_Type;
      ppr_pricing_attr_tbl          QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Pricing_Attr_Tbl_Type;
      ppr_pricing_attr_val_tbl      QP_PRICE_LIST_PUB.Pricing_Attr_Val_Tbl_Type;
      p_api_version_number          NUMBER := 1;
      p_init_msg_list               VARCHAR2 (1) := Fnd_Api.G_FALSE;
      p_return_values               VARCHAR2 (1) := Fnd_Api.G_FALSE;
      p_commit                      VARCHAR2 (1) := Fnd_Api.G_TRUE;

If the script is run as an anonymous block then note that API will not do an implicit commit and user needs to do a COMMIT explicitly to ensure changes are reflected in the system

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Group Requistion Lines during Requisition Import

When Importing requisitions from the Requisition Interface : po_requisitions_interface_all via Requisition import . Oracle will group the requisitions into 1 or multiple headers  based on Oracle grouping process Which is provided as an Input parameter in the requisition import process

This solution is desirable for Drop ship Process where business many a times needs separate requisitions for individual sales orders. This solution can be achieved by using one of the below changes , which will need a customization to populate the required fields.

  • Requisitions Interface has a GROUP_CODE column for the lines which we want to be populated under the same header , same value for group code can be populated for the requisition lines which are intended to be grouped together
  • If you specify the value for : REQ_NUMBER_SEGMENT1 in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE table then the records with same value will be grouped under the same requisition header
  • there is a column of batch_id in requisition interface , you can specify the batch id for the group of records you want to be grouped under same header and then Run requisition import for individual group Id's --> this will also prevent processing of any new records which might have been populated in the requisition interface between the custom code processing and submission of Requisition Import