Sunday, 2 September 2012

Overveiw of Oracle Receivables

Oracle Receivables is the module which is used to perform most of  day-to-day Accounts Receivable operations.
The transactions workbench is used to process invoices, debit memos, credit memos, on-account credits, chargebacks, and adjustments.
The Receipts Workbench to perform receipt-related tasks.
The Bills Receivable Workbench lets you create, update, remit, and manage your bills receivable.

These work benches provide  users the option of querying the information in flexible ways.

Receipts Workbench

The Receipts Workbench is used to create receipt batches and enter, apply, reverse, reapply, and delete individual receipts. Users can enter receipts manually, import them using AutoLockbox, or create them automatically. Users can also use this workbench to clear or risk eliminate factored receipts, remit automatic receipts, create chargebacks and adjustments, and submit Post QuickCash to automatically update your customer's account balance.

A receipt is a document which species inflow of cash into the organization. Money coming into the organization are recorded by means of receipts. Once the receipts are created users have the option of applying the receipt to one or multiple invoices.

As mentioned earlier receipts can either be entered manually from the receipt creation screen , created via programs or also created using the autolock box process.

Transactions Workbench

Transactions workbench is the set of screens which allow the users to enter, query the different receivable transactions into the system.
The  Different types of transactions i.e. Invoices , Debit memos,Credit memos etc are created using  the transactions workbench.
The workbench provides the option of entering the line details for the transactions, the distributions and also viewing the same for history transactions.

Bills Receivable Workbench:

 The Bills Receivable Workbench is used to create, update, remit, and manage bills receivable. Users can create a bill receivable and assign transactions to the bill either manually or automatically. They can also use this workbench to review bills receivable, update the status of a bill, and create and maintain bills receivable remittance batches. The Bills Receivable Workbench also manages creating and applying receipts, and eliminating risk on remitted bills receivable.
Users can also exchange a transaction for a bill receivable in the Transactions Workbench, and use the Receipts Workbench to reverse or unapply receipts applied to bills receivable.

In the coming posts we will discuss in detail about the different workbenches and their uses.


  1. Hi Ashwini,

    Plaese explain something in technical point of view.


  2. Hi Tanoy,
    Will try to post articles with technical details too , Please mention on what topics are you focussing.
