Sunday, 13 July 2014

Journal Import in Oracle

For All the entries in the subledger modules , the data will be transferred to the GL and subsequently  journals will be created and posted.
In order to create journals in Oracle the data should be present in GL_INTERFACE , once the data is loaded into the GL_INTERFACE the Jounal Import programs "Import Journals" needs to be submitted.

Data can come into GL_INTERFACE either from the Subledgers eg :AP/AR/INV or uploaded by Web ADI.
Once the data is available in GL_INTERFACE , launching Jounral import will pick up data for the Ledger for which the program is run , validate the data and create journals.

Some of the important points to remember when running Journal Import :
  • Group Id : When you are running Journal Import you can import data for multiple sources by specifying the Group Id Pramater. When specified journal import will process only the records of the specified Group Id. If the Group Id is not provided then Journal Import will only process the records for which Group Id is not specified ie Group ID NULL , records with group id will be left un-processed
  • Chossing : Import Descriptive Flexfields, and whether to import them with validation : If we are not creating Summary Journals then we can choose to import the Descriptive Flexfields . Here we can choose to import DFF with our without validation . With Validation Imports journals only if the Descriptive Flexfields pass the validations or you can choose to import journals without Flexfiled journals  where Oracle will not validate the DFF and generate all the journals

Saturday, 12 July 2014

SEPA Mandates

With the Introduction of SEPA , we can create Mandates in Oracle which will enable direct debit Payments from the customer,
Below we list the basic activities that need to be done for SEPA mandate creation and the Mandate detail population on the invoice.
  1. Create Customers
  2. Create Customer Banks with correct IBAN numbers
  3. Create Madate for the Bank Account
  4. Setup Direct Debit/Automatic Receipt Methods
  5. Ensure that the Receipt method is assigned to the customer
  6. Create AR invoice with the correct receipt method as setup in Step 4
  7. The Invoices will get created with the Correct SEPA Mandates
When Creating the invoice in Oracle depending on the Receipt method specified for the direct debit receipt methods Oracle will automativall check ofr the presence of Mandates at the customer BILL TO and create the AR invoice with the Mandate information. Once created Direct Debits can be performed.
Post with Madate Creation Details coming soon.

External Bank and Bank Branches

When Creating Suppliers or Customers in Oracle , we might be associating bank accounts with them. A bank account can only be created if a bank and bank branch exists , thus the below sequence needs to be followed .
  1. Check for an existing bank or Create a new bank
  2. Check for an existing branch of the bank or create a new bank branch
  3. Create the bank account for the bank and branch combination
Each bank and bank branch is created as a party in oracle.
There might be scenarios where we also create an address for the bank/ branch. When using the Oracle front end the details need to be entered from the OAF screen. In Order to achieve the same by program the below sequence needs to be followed .

  1. Create the bank/ bank branch
  2. Create a location in Oracle with the bank/branch address details using API : HZ_LOCATION_V2PUB.CREATE_LOCATION
  3. Create a party site in Oracle using the party_id (bank id/bank_brach_id) of the bank/branch created in Step 1 and location id of the address created in Step 2. Use the API : HZ_PARTY_SITE_V2PUB.CREATE_PARTY_SITE

Supplier Payment Method

In Oracle on the supplier/supplier site a payment method can be maintained. e.g.  CHECK or EFT.
When the Supplier is created the payment method information is populated in the table :

Post creation when the payment method details are updated oracle will insert a new record in the table : IBY_EXT_PARTY_PMT_MTHDS , thus this table maitains the complete history of payment method details of the supplier/supplier site.

The current record is identified by PRIMARY_FLAG = 'Y' .

aps.vendor_name,aps.segment1 ,asl.vendor_site_code,pmt.PAYMENT_METHOD_CODE
from apps.ap_suppliers aps,
apps.ap_supplier_sites_all asl,
where aps.vendor_id = asl.vendor_id
and asl.vendor_site_id = iep.supplier_site_id
and asl.org_id = iep.org_id
and iep.ext_payee_id = pmt.ext_pmt_party_id
and pmt.primary_flag = 'Y'

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Payables Import Error : Tax lines with the same Tax Regime and Tax cannot be allocated to the same transaction line more than once.

When importing an AP Invoice by Payables import program if you have TAX Lines where the same combination of the TAX REGIME and TAX appears more than once the PAyables import will give you an error : Tax lines with the same Tax Regime and Tax cannot be allocated to the same transaction line more than once .
If such error is received please check the invoice throwing the error and check the TAX lines perform a data fix by removing the un-necessary duplicate tax lines and re-import

Auto application of Credit Note to Invoice Using AutoInvoice

When Creating a Credit note by Auto Invoice import Oracle provides the option of auto application of a Credit Note to an invoice i.e. When you are creating a credit note as soon as a credit note is created it will be immediately applied to an AR invoice.
This functionality can be used by by populating the reference_line_attribute columns of ra_interface_lines_all tables By populating the reference line_id or the combination of reference line_context and reference line attributes which correspond to a given AR invoice line you can apply the CM line being created to an existing Invoice.
Ensure that the CM line which you want to apply has an amount less than or equal to the invoice line open amount else you will get an error by Auto Invoice if over application is not enabled.
This is an efficient way of Creating credit notes and also applying them to Open invoices/Debit notes in the system if the information of application is available beforehand