Saturday 12 July 2014

External Bank and Bank Branches

When Creating Suppliers or Customers in Oracle , we might be associating bank accounts with them. A bank account can only be created if a bank and bank branch exists , thus the below sequence needs to be followed .
  1. Check for an existing bank or Create a new bank
  2. Check for an existing branch of the bank or create a new bank branch
  3. Create the bank account for the bank and branch combination
Each bank and bank branch is created as a party in oracle.
There might be scenarios where we also create an address for the bank/ branch. When using the Oracle front end the details need to be entered from the OAF screen. In Order to achieve the same by program the below sequence needs to be followed .

  1. Create the bank/ bank branch
  2. Create a location in Oracle with the bank/branch address details using API : HZ_LOCATION_V2PUB.CREATE_LOCATION
  3. Create a party site in Oracle using the party_id (bank id/bank_brach_id) of the bank/branch created in Step 1 and location id of the address created in Step 2. Use the API : HZ_PARTY_SITE_V2PUB.CREATE_PARTY_SITE

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