Thursday 2 October 2014

BILL Only order , Item Flag Shippable

When Creating sales orders , we have many instances where we need to create a BILL Only Sales Order . There are situations when the company is creating an Order for invoicing but there will not be any shipments for this order ,
Eg : If you buy a Warranty for a product in this case there is not physical shipment needed
        If you have requested for a service of any product , in this case you are requesting the visit of a           technician to come and service , no physical shipments might be involved

In such scenarios when the order line is created it is in Entered Status
On booking the Order the line status changes to BOOKED Please make not that line does not go into Awaiting Shipping status
Once workflow background process runs the Order line is Closed

when entering the sales order for a BILL Only line , the item selected on the Sales order also needs to be setup in a particular way.
The SHIPPABLE ,flag on the Item needs to be unchecked , this needs to be ensured for the Item Master Organization , Item Validation Organization for this operating unit and also the warehouse selected on the order.

If this setup is not correct at all the levels the line will go into Awaiting Shipping status and you will not see the expected behaviour.

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