Friday, 9 January 2015

Journal Batch Posting Error

When Posting a Journal Batch you might encounter an Error where the Posting program fails .
In such cases first thing is to check the OUTPUT and LOG file for potential messages displayed by Oracle.

One of the errors which can occur is : ORA-00001: unique constraint (GL.GL_JE_HEADERS_U2) violated

If you see the table gl_je_headers there is an unique index on Batch Id and Journal Name.

For the same batch you will see that the Journals have a unique name but when doing posting Oracle checks for the First 78 characters of the Journal Name and Batch Id Uniquenss , if the condition is violated we will get the above error.

To resolve the error open the Journals in the batch update the names by adding Unique numbers at the beinging , save your work and Post again

Issue will be resolved.

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