Monday 31 August 2015

Order Line Status Awaiting Fulfillment

In Oracle we can have a scenario where for a multi line order one or more lines of the Order are in status Awaiting Fulfillment.
This scenario occurs in case the order lines have been assigned a Fulfillment set.

Fulfillment set are defined as a group of lines to be fulfilled together.

There can be different cases for these :

Eg : 1 , Book a sales order with 2 lines
     Line 1 --> shippable Item
     Line 2 --> Service / Bill Only item

In this scenario let us assume that business has created a Sales Order for Laptop and Warranty sell. Laptop is a shippable item and Warranty is a Bill Only item.

CASE 1 --> Order Booked without Fulfillment Set

when the order is Booked , Line 1 will go to awaiting shipping and Line 2 will close since it is a BILL Only item.

Once Line 1 is shipped  , it will be closed and invoiced. In the current scenario we will have 2 AR Invoices generated for same sales order --> One for the Warranty and one for the shipped products.

From business perspective it does not make sense to Bill a customer for Warranty till the Laptop is shipped .

In such a scenario business will follow the below case :

CASE 1 --> Order Booked with Fulfillment Set

when the order is Booked , Line 1 will go to awaiting shipping and Line 2 will proceed to Awaiting Fulfillment stage .

As Order Line 1 is not shipped : Line 2 will not be fulfilled (and therefore invoiced) until the shippable line is fulfilled

Once Line 1 is shipped  , Line 1 and Line 2 will move to status Fulfilled and then be closed simultaneously and invoices. In the current scenario we will have 1 AR Invoice generated for sales order --> for Warranty and Shipped goods.

The same approach can be applied even for multi-line order with different shippable items in case the lines need to be closed and invoiced together.

Thus when lines are in Awaiting Fulfillment status check if Fulfillment set is used on order line

Hopefully this clarifies the doubt on status Awaiting fulfillment and how it can be resolved , also providing details of usage of fulfillment set.

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