Friday, 26 August 2016

Requistion Import

Oracle Provides an Interface through which requisition data can be imported into Oracle. this interface is widely used when implementing Drop Ship functionality but can also be used when businesses integrate different systems where requisition is raised in another system but needs to be imported into Oracle.
Depending on business need the INTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE can be populated for each data source.
Further more to control specific data sets to be processed during any run , users can give a combination of INTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE and batch_id , This will ensure only specifc data is picked up
this is helpful in the below scenario :
  • Business provides data in the interface , Preprocessing need to be performed on the data and only the processed data should be imported
  • the Pre-processing program should update the batch id for the processed records  and submit requisition import with the specific batch id. this will ensure only relevant records are processed
The solution prevents a scenario where due to timing issue unprocessed data get picked up for processed by standard import program

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