Monday 10 October 2016

Delete Item Cost

Item cost can be Deleted using 2 options

  • Item cost Screen --> the user needs to query the item cost from the item master screen and delete the cost details (cost elements) or complete item cost
  • Perform clean up from item cost tables --> In this scenario when we have to perform bulk data cleanup we can create script to do bulk updates. Data a given item , warehouse and cost type needs to be deleted from the table: CST_ITEM_COSTS and CST_ITEM_COST_DETAILS , The data need to be deleted if complete cost need to be deleted. If we need to do bulk updates or delete for some cost element then we need to delete data from CST_ITEM_COST_DETAILS table and perform updates in the columns of table CST_ITEM_COSTS to ensure the item cost is consistent , as if a sub element cost is updated then the total cost should reflect the change

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