Process Order API is a standard API provided by Oracle to Create/Update/Cancel the Order.
Given below is a sample code which highlights the use of the API
'Return from the API'
|| l_chr_return_status
Given below is a sample code which highlights the use of the API
l_msg_index_out NUMBER;
l_excp_exit EXCEPTION;
l_num_salesrep_id NUMBER;
l_line_rec oe_order_pub.line_rec_type;
l_line_tbl oe_order_pub.line_tbl_type;
l_request_tbl oe_order_pub.request_tbl_type;
l_header_rec oe_order_pub.header_rec_type;
l_header_val_rec oe_order_pub.header_val_rec_ type;
l_header_adj_tbl oe_order_pub.header_adj_ tbl_type;
l_header_adj_val_tbl oe_order_pub.header_adj_val_ tbl_type;
l_header_price_att_tbl oe_order_pub.header_price_att_ tbl_type;
l_header_adj_att_tbl oe_order_pub.header_adj_att_ tbl_type;
l_header_adj_assoc_tbl oe_order_pub.header_adj_assoc_ tbl_type;
l_header_scredit_tbl oe_order_pub.header_scredit_ tbl_type;
l_header_scredit_val_tbl oe_order_pub.header_scredit_ val_tbl_type;
l_line_val_tbl oe_order_pub.line_val_tbl_ type;
l_line_adj_tbl oe_order_pub.line_adj_tbl_ type;
l_line_adj_val_tbl oe_order_pub.line_adj_val_tbl_ type;
l_line_price_att_tbl oe_order_pub.line_price_att_ tbl_type;
l_line_adj_att_tbl oe_order_pub.line_adj_att_tbl_ type;
l_line_adj_assoc_tbl oe_order_pub.line_adj_assoc_ tbl_type;
l_line_scredit_tbl oe_order_pub.line_scredit_tbl_ type;
l_line_scredit_val_tbl oe_order_pub.line_scredit_val_ tbl_type;
l_lot_serial_tbl oe_order_pub.lot_serial_tbl_ type;
l_lot_serial_val_tbl oe_order_pub.lot_serial_val_ tbl_type;
l_request_rec oe_order_pub.request_rec_type;
l_action_request_tbl oe_order_pub.request_tbl_type;
l_num_tbl_index NUMBER;
l_chr_return_status VARCHAR2 (20); --POA return Status
l_num_msg_count NUMBER;
l_chr_msg_data VARCHAR2 (1000);
l_num_msgcntr NUMBER;
l_num_order_number NUMBER;
l_num_header_id NUMBER;
l_num_line_count NUMBER;
l_chr_error_message VARCHAR2(1000);
l_num_temp NUMBER;
l_excp_skip EXCEPTION;
l_chr_error VARCHAR2(1000);
fnd_file.Put_line(fnd_file. LOG,'************************* ********************** BOOK ORDER **************************');
fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file. LOG,'Begining of the procedure Book Order');
out_chr_errbuf := 'success';
--Initialize header record
l_header_rec := oe_order_pub.g_miss_header_ rec;
l_header_rec.cust_po_ number := cust_po_ number;
l_header_rec.ordered_date := g_dte_sysdate;
l_header_rec.salesrep_id := -3;
l_header_rec.order_type_id := 1085;
l_header_rec.operation := oe_globals.g_opr_create; --Specifies that Order is getting created
l_header_rec.order_ category_code := 'ORDER';
l_num_tbl_index := 1;
l_header_rec.booked_flag := 'Y';
l_header_rec.sold_to_org_id := customer_ id;
l_header_rec.invoice_to_org_ id := invoice_to_ org_id;
l_header_rec.ship_to_org_id := ship_to_ org_id;
l_header_rec.price_list_id := price_list_ id;
l_line_tbl (l_num_tbl_index) := oe_order_pub.g_miss_line_rec;
-- Line attributes
l_line_tbl (l_num_tbl_index).inventory_ item_id := inventory_ item_id;
l_line_tbl (l_num_tbl_index).ordered_ quantity := quantity;
l_line_tbl (l_num_tbl_index).line_ category_code := 'ORDER';
l_line_tbl (l_num_tbl_index).line_type_ id := 1043; --transaction type id
l_line_tbl (l_num_tbl_index).operation := oe_globals.g_opr_create; -- Create Order Line
l_action_request_tbl (l_num_tbl_index) := oe_order_pub.g_miss_request_ rec;
l_action_request_tbl (l_num_tbl_index).request_type := oe_globals.g_book_order;
l_action_request_tbl (l_num_tbl_index).entity_code := oe_globals.g_entity_header;
l_num_tbl_index := l_num_tbl_index + 1;
(p_api_version_number => 1.0,
p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true,
p_return_values => fnd_api.g_false,
x_return_status => l_chr_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_num_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_chr_msg_data,
p_ header_rec => l_header_rec,
p_line_tbl => l_line_tbl,
p_action_request_tbl => l_action_request_tbl,
x_header_rec => l_header_rec,
x_header_val_rec => l_header_val_rec,
x_header_adj_tbl => l_header_adj_tbl,
x_header_adj_val_tbl => l_header_adj_val_tbl,
x_header_price_att_tbl => l_header_price_att_tbl,
x_header_adj_att_tbl => l_header_adj_att_tbl,
x_header_adj_assoc_tbl => l_header_adj_assoc_tbl,
x_ header_scredit_tbl => l_header_scredit_tbl,
x_header_scredit_val_tbl => l_header_scredit_val_tbl,
x_line_tbl => l_line_tbl,
x_line_val_tbl => l_line_val_tbl,
x_line_adj_tbl => l_line_adj_tbl,
x_line_adj_val_tbl => l_line_adj_val_tbl,
x_line_price_att_tbl => l_line_price_att_tbl,
x_line_adj_att_tbl => l_line_adj_att_tbl,
x_line_adj_assoc_tbl => l_line_adj_assoc_tbl,
x_line_scredit_tbl => l_line_scredit_tbl,
x_line_scredit_val_tbl => l_line_scredit_val_tbl,
x_lot_serial_tbl => l_lot_serial_tbl,
x_lot_serial_val_tbl => l_lot_serial_val_tbl,
x_action_request_tbl => l_request_tbl
fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
|| 'return status'
IF l_chr_return_status <> 'S'
print_api_error_messages (l_chr_error,
-- fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file. LOG,'Return from api error Procedure' || l_chr_error);
l_chr_error_message := l_chr_error;
RAISE l_excp_skip;
The API can be used to create or update an order.
In order to create a sales order pass the parameter l_header_rec.operation := oe_globals.g_opr_create
In order to Update an Order pass the parameter : l_header_rec.operation := oe_globals.g_opr_update
In order to Cancel an Order Line pass the parameter: l_header_rec.operation := oe_globals.g_opr_update
when passing the other parameter of the line record,update the Ordered Quantity as 0
When we are calling the Process Order API there are certain mandatory fields which need to be passed eg : order type,customer details and others. and there are other details are derived by the defaulting rules of the Order Management setup, in case any of the values being derived by the defaulting rules is already provided in the API it overrides the defaulting rules value.
I am facing issue as Header status is ENTERED and Line status as BOOKED.
ReplyDeleteCould you tell me any issue with code?
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