Wednesday 24 September 2014

customer interface Error code C1

Customer Interface Errors Out the data with the Error Code : C1

C1 --> This customer reference has two different customer names defined

This error occurs when we have multiple records for the same customer but different values of Customer Name , there can be different scenarios for this error

  • Creating a Site for Existing Customer : When we are creating a new site for an existing customer then the CUSTOMER NAME value for the data in the interface needs to be same as the Customer existing in Oracle , if there is any mismatch in the name or case then Customer Interface will error out the record
  • Creating a new customer with multiple sites  : In this case too all the records need to have the same CUSTOMER NAME , if the values mismatch then 1 record will be progressed to create the customer and others will error with this code
Update the data in Customer interface with the correct data and re-process the records

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