Saturday 26 January 2013

API to Update External Payee

Whenever a supplier/supplier site is created oracle system will automatically create a payee for the supplier and supplier site. Once the Payee is created the user may want to update the payee details.
The API to update the payee is :


 (p_api_version => 1.0, 
   p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, 
p_ext_payee_tab => p_external_payee_tab_type, 
p_ext_payee_id_tab => p_ext_payee_id_tab_type, 
x_return_status => x_return_status, 
x_msg_count => x_msg_count, 
x_msg_data => x_msg_data, 
x_ext_payee_status_tab => l_payee_upd_status 

p_external_payee_tab_type is a table type variable of external payees which will take in a number of fields of the table.

p_ext_payee_id_tab_type is a table type variable which will take in only variable : ext_payee_id

When updating an external payee the developer needs to consider the below:
   the api will update all the columns which defined in the record type variable which is passed to the API , thus the developer when assigning values to the record type variable needs to assigne the new values to be updated as well as the old values to the API rec type.

The data updated will be reflected in the table iby_external_payees_all

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