Sunday 13 January 2013

Value Sets in Oracle Apps

Value Set as the name specifies refers to a set of values. Theses vales can be used to validate the values entered in a felx-field segment, concurrent program parameters and report parameters.

For Creating Value sets the user needs to navigate to a value set and specify the details of the value set.

The user needs to specify the name of the value set.

The main details that need to be entered are:

Name : The name of the value set

Type: The type of value set

Pop-List : When the number of items is between 1-10
List of Values : When the number of items is between 10-100
Long List of Values : When the number of items is more then 1000

Security: Security type can be applied to a value set

No Securtiy: No security is enabled for the value set
Hierarchical Security : Security rule applied to the parent is automatically applied to the child values
Non-Hierarchical Security : Security rule applied to the parent is not applied to the child values
Segment : Value entered for another parameter of the program is the default value

Format Type : Specifies the type of values that can be entered : Number/char/Date

Maximum size : Representes the Longest possible value

Precision : For numberical valu sets , the number of digits after decimal

Validation Type: Refers to the type of validation applied when values are entered for the fields associated with the value set

  • None : The values enteres is not validated against any pre-defined set of values , the values is only validated against the format type specified.
  • Independent : The value entered is validated against a pre-defined set of values
  • Dependent : The value is validated against a set of values which depend on an indipendent value set .
  • Table: The value entered is validated against against a list of values which are dependent on a table
  • Special and Pair : The value is validated against a set of values in another flex field
  • Translatable Independent and dependent : The value is validated against a previously defined list of values.
Values sets are mainly used when specifying the list of data which can be entered as parameters when running a concurrent program.


  1. Nice blog..
    Oracle apps Interview Questions

  2. Hi,

    When the list of values is between 100 and 1000. Will it be suitable for LOV or Long LOV?
