Saturday, 5 January 2013

Auto Invoice Import Process

Auto Invoice Import is a standard utility provided by Oracle to create Receivable Invoices. The utility is used to create invoices,credit memos and debit memos in Oracle.

Invoices can be created from:

  1. Order Management
  2. Projects 
  3. Loans
  4. Services 
  5. Lease Management
  6. Property Manager
  7. Non Oracle Systems
When Invoices need to be created the Invoice information is entered into the AR Interface tables:
The Autoinvoice import program will pick up the eligible records from the table and invoices are created for the eligible records

When the program is run to create the invoices the program will

  1. Order and group the lines --> Specified in the frouping rules setup of AR
  2. Contingencies are assigned
  3. Legal entity is grouped
  4. Tax Engine is called to caluclate the tax
  5. Sales Credits is calculatted
  6. GL Data is determined
  7. Accounts are assigned
  8. Transactions are batched
  9. Valid records are successfully processed to create invoices
When creating invoices via the autoinvoice import program some records might error out in processing due to errors in data or during processing. All the records that error out in processed need to be corrected and re-processed again

Oracle has provided standard screens to see all the records erroring out in interface lines , via the Interface Errors screen. This screen shows all the errored records , the user needs to correct these data and re-process them

For the records which are successfully processed Invoices are created in the system which can be seen from the transactions window and from the backend via the tables:
  1. ra_customer_trx_all
  2. ra_customer_trx_lines_all
  3. ra_Salescredits_all

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