Monday, 22 December 2014

Released_status in wsh_delivery_details (wsh_delivery_details.released_status)

When a Sales Order line is booked , for Shippable item lines have an entry in the table wsh_delivery_Details. The column released status has status values which provide information of the Sales Order shipment status

B: Backordered- Line failed to be allocated in Inventory
C: Shipped -Line has been shipped
D: Cancelled -Line is Cancelled
N: Not Ready for Release -Line is not ready to be released
R: Ready to Release: Line is ready to be released
S: Released to Warehouse: Line has been released to Inventory for processing
X: Not Applicable- Line is not applicable for Pick Release
Y: Staged- Line has been picked and staged by Inventory 

Detailed Explanation : 

B : Backordered : when we try to pick release a Sales Order but On-hand is not available for the order line , in such scenarios the order line is back ordered and the released status  = 'B'

C: Shipped :Once the Order line is shipped the associated delivery details Released Status is changed to 'C' .OM interface and Inventory interface have processed and the trip is closed.

D: Cancelled : When the Order line is cancelled the released status = 'D'

N: Not Ready for Release -Line is not ready to be released . this can happen when the information is available in wsh_delivery_details but order line has not reached the Awaiting Shipping status , might be due to some workflow customization's

R: Ready to Release: The Order line has been booked and the line is ready to be pick released . Line status is Awaiting Shipping under such scenarios

S: Released to Warehouse : Depending on the Pick release process in the business it moght be that Pick release is performed with Auto Pick confirm Set to No.
In such scenarios when we do pick release the Move Order will be created
Move Order allocation is done , but since Auto Pick Confirm is set to No the Mover Order will not be transacted.
The Delivery Detail will be in state : Pick Wave

X: Not Applicable- Line is not applicable for Pick Release , for the non-shippable item lines eg : Warranty orders

Y: Staged- Line has been picked and staged by Inventory .In this Case the line has been pick released. the Move Order Creation,Allocation and transaction is completed . Goods have be transferred from the Source Sub-invenotry to Staging area of the warehouse and the line is ready to be shipped

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