Monday 22 December 2014

AR Invoice Dispute amount Update

In an AR Invoice we can update the Dispute Amount Information from a number of places :

  1. More TAB on the AR Invoice Screen
  2. Action --> Installments  from here we can update the Dispute amount and Dispute date details
  3. Account Details Screen
From either of the 3 places when Dispute information is updated the information is reflected in the table ar_payment_schedules_all

However when the information is updated from the MORE TAB on the AR Invoice Screen in such a case the timestamp information od ar_payment_schedules_all is NOT Updated . 
In scenarios where we have a data warehouse which is based on the Timestamp update of WHO columns in such scenarios we need to ensure that Option 1 is not followed for updates and business follows Option 2/3.

Prevent Option 1 by using personalization or changes to Custom..pll

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